An Inside Scoop Into All the Latest Happenings- All Submission Guidelines below
Flash- 4000 words max. Smaller can be great!
Poetry- 3poems max, submitted as one doc. (One will be accepted)
Issue 2: Short Stories up to 7k words
*For all, prefer doc.x or PDF
English only, although we will take English & translated works side by side or works with other languages sprinkled in (highlighting phrases in other languages is OK. We just don't have translation services).
Submissions Open January 1st for Issue 3
Content Warnings Appreciated*
Please add a short bio when asked, as well as social media handles/tip pages.
We encourage work you wrote while crying happy -- or sad-- tears! Breakups, post therapy blues, moving, identity, loss, grief-- the emotional moments, come downs after a holiday, etc. all welcome here!
Theme 3 will be: Peppermint & Bark
(One short story slot, Flash Fiction/Microflash, as well as poetry!)
Form here:
Tweet Length Call now through January 12th: 'Scraps of Therapy'
Anything related to mental health. 360 characters or less, not including a title!
Form here to submit
all winners get a graphic displayed on social media & the website
one posted each day, the last week of January
anything related to therapy, mental health, etc. are encouraged
please include a title!